vendredi 8 février 2019

Histoire de petits lapins

Le déménagement nous a laissé avec un certain nombre de cagettes sur les bras qui, après avoir été bien utiles pour transporter les livres, sont désormais difficiles à écouler.

Un petit tour sur internet m’a donné l’idée de les réutiliser comme des petits décors à placer sous la véranda ouverte de l’entrée et qui vont pouvoir changer au rythme de l’année.

Voici donc celle qui ouvre l’année 2019 avec son manteau de neige.

As we changed our homes, we used a lot of wooden crates for the transportation of books. But the question now is what to do with them.

Scanning through the internet gave me idea to turn them into some sort of stages for settings  that will enliven the small veranda of the front door and that can change throughout the year. 
Here is the first one for 2019 under the snow.

Après cette jolie neige de coton qui, malgré le soleil, donne froid à regarder, une envie de printemps revient avec Peter Rabbit qui nous transporte dans le jardin. 

After this lovely fleecy snow, let’s go back to the garden with Peter Rabbit.

Son côté espiègle n’est pas sans rappeler un petit lapin nommé Apie que ma fille Elisa s’est vu offrir pour Noël par son Clément adoré !

The mischievous look in his eyes reminds me of Apie, the little bunny my daughter was offered for Christmas by her beloved Clément!

22 commentaires:

  1. Your Peter rabbit is beautiful and sweet!Hugs,dear Sandrine!

    1. Thank you, Maristella! I love the characters of Peter Rabbit stories.

  2. Goodness, what a sweet post, dear Sandrine!
    The wooden crates are much more elegant than the cardboard boxes I use... :) The snowy scene is delightful and you seem to have lots of different rabbits and they are all so cute.
    Your hellebores have lots of flowers, very beautiful!
    And once more I must say that your hexagons are stunning. Bisous!

    1. Thank you Sara! I discovered the hellebores in my new garden which is mostly a shaded garden because of two very tall fir trees and find it nice to have flowers in the winter season. Bisous!

  3. J’aime beaucoup ta petite cagette, c’est vraiment très joli et ma petite Apie est juste troooop mignonne 🥰

    1. Merci ma grande fille! C'est vrai que ce petit lapinou est mignon tout plein! Bisous!

  4. Wonderful job! I am delighted with the rabbit :)

    1. Thank you, Tanya! My rabbit and the little pigs on your blog could make up a very funny new story!

  5. Замечательный новый питомец!
    Симпатичная вышивка,портрет:), и отличная идея продолжить шить квилт:)

    1. Thank you very much, Irina! Apie is a very funny and endearing little pet. The new quilt has just begun with a lot of new ideas!

  6. Clement aranyos!!!!
    A nyuszis hímzés szép, a répa szenzációs!

    1. Thank you, Beáta! The original pattern showed a salad leave in the rabbit's hand but I found that a carrot would bring more colour.

  7. Isn't Apie a sweet little rabbit. Love your cross stitch bunny and how pretty it looks sitting amongst those two sweet bunnies and the Hellebores. Your display in the wooden crate looks fabulous. Such a fabulous idea to change the scene throughout the year.

    1. Thank you, Kim! The wooden crate will give a good opportunity to use the little trinkets that I can't help collecting and to place some tiny embroideries.

  8. Such a good idea to make use of the wooden crates, very pretty display and I love the gorgeous bunny with his carrot and sweet Apie.

    1. Thank you, Sheryl. The next Easter season may be the opportunity to display a little bunny in the crate.

  9. l'aménagement de ta cagette est sublime, j'adore
    la broderie est très belle
    et le petit lapinou, adorable - calins à lui
    belle nuit, bizou Karine

    1. Merci à toi, Karine! Le temps passe si vite que je dois déjà réfléchir et rassembler mes grigris pour la prochaine cagette! Belle journée à toi et à Emy. Bisous

  10. Sich lovely things you have made,
    Apie is so sweet!

    Bisous, Ida

  11. Thank you, Ida. Apie is really funny and keeps getting into mischief. Bisous, Sandrine.

  12. Очень красиво, Сандрин! Поразил деревенский ящик , так красиво задекорированный, маленькая поленница это волшебство, а вышитый Кролик с объемной морковкой просто влюбил в себя!

    На последнем фото живой кролик?!... Это чудо!

  13. Thank you, Olga! It is very pleasant to make small models like the wood pile with little things gathered in nature during a walk. I always have a bag with me to pick up twigs, moss, pebbles and mostly pine cones, I can't resist them!
