samedi 13 avril 2019

Neige rose de printemps

Après une semaine de démence au travail, le samedi rose de Beverly est, une fois de plus, arrivé très vite et je viens de terminer in extremis ma couronne de brodeuse que j’ai, pour l’occasion, confectionnée dans des tons de rose. 
 After a hectic week at work, Beverly’sPink Saturday is back so soon that I hardly had the time to complete my embroiderer’s wreath. For the occasion I made it in shades of pink.  

Le détail d’un modèle de Véronique Enginger dont j’ai adapté les couleurs. J’ai également voulu lui donner un peu de relief avec une paire d’aiguilles à tricoter piquées dans le coussinet – en fait deux cure-dents surmontés de perles.  
A detail from a pattern by Véronique Enginger whose colours have been changed to match the theme. I also wanted to give a little relief to the pad, so I turned two toothpicks and beads into knitting needles.  

Une petite envie de reprendre le scrapbooking. 
A sudden crave for scrapbooking again. 

 De jolis petits ciseaux cigogne que je sacrifie sans trop de regrets puisque j’en ai quelques autres à disposition.  
Stork scissors that I sacrifice without too much regret as I have a few other pairs at disposal.  

Ce furent des photos compliquées à prendre avec le vent incessant de ces derniers jours..La couronne virevoltait dans tous les sens, rendant les images très floues ! Mais je voulais quand même vous faire profiter de mon amandier de Chine dont les fleurs rose pâle qui attrapent si bien la lumière font penser à des branches recouvertes de neige.  
Taking the pictures was a real challenge due to the crazy wind that has been blowing over the last few days. The wreath was twirling around blurring all the snapshots! But I wanted to share with you my beautiful blossoming Chinese almond tree whose pale pink flowers catch the light so well that you could think the tree is covered in snow.

A nice weekend to everybody and thank you for your visit!

39 commentaires:

  1. A very pretty wreath, with all the lovely little details. Decorated so beautifully, everything fits together.
    With it you can decorate the door to the sewing room wonderfully.
    Have a nice weekend, Martina

    1. Thank you, Martina. I still haven't decided where this wreath will be placed but the sewing room should be perfect. I wish you a nice week! Sandrine

  2. Love your wreath ,so pretty love the stitching of the wool and those little pins .
    Enjoy a great weekend.

    1. Thank you, June. I'd had this wool pattern in mind for a few months and the wreath was a good occasion to stitch it. Have a nice week!

  3. Your wreath, Sandrine, oozes such gorgeousness. There are so many pretties for one's eye to linger on. Pretty stork scissors, buttons, tape measures, reels of cotton, a tiny sewing machine....and of course your pretty cross stitch of a basket filled with yarns. The toothpicks with tiny beads on the end representing knitting needles is inspired. Gorgeous photos! Your Chinese almond tree is beautiful isn't it. There is nothing quite like the blossoms in early Spring. They dance with beauty.

    1. Thank you very much, Kim! I keep and often buy such small items and when I get an idea like the one for the wreath, I am happy to find them a use. Yes, Spring is a continuous parade of blossoming beauties most of which, I am afraid, have already displayed their attire. Best wishes for a nice week, hugs!

  4. A wonderful wreath with a lot of little details. I like the little basket, that you have stitched.
    Have a nice weekend, Manuela

    1. Thank you, Manuela! I think the little basket comes from the same collection of patterns as the little girls with the yarn ball I could see on your blog. I love these smallies that can be adapted on so many different supports. Enjoy a nice week, Sandrine.

  5. Oh, quelles photos etonnantes! L'idee et l'execution de la couronne provoqent l'admiration, et aussi une amandier en fleurs - merveille!.. Sandrine, merci pour cette beaute, on veut l'examiner longtemps! Et faire quelque chose in peu semblable ;))
    Bon printemps a Vous!

    1. Merci beaucoup, Marya-Dimiter! Je serai contente de voir quelle jolie création les photos sur mon blog auront pu vous inspirer. A bientôt! Sandrine

  6. What a beautiful wreath and your almond blossom is just fabulous - have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thank you, Fil! The blossoms attract a lot of bees that, in addition to the beautiful sight of the flowers, make a very harmonious humming. I wish you a nice week!

  7. Oh Sandrine, the wreath is fabulous! The details are so cute, I wouldn't be able to pick a favourite. And the flowers of your tree are gorgeous. 🌸 Is it a Prunus glandulosa?
    Have a lovely weekend! Bisous!

    1. Thank you, Sara! I must confess I don't know the exact name for the tree. It's my first Spring in this house and I happily discover all the plants in the garden. This tree has several trunks covered with a slightly silver bark and the flowers are more like double cherry blossoms than pompoms with a very delicate almond fragrance.
      I wish you a nice week! Bisous!

  8. What a very lovely wreath you have made, a feast for the eyes with so many stitchy details and different ornaments. I like the little embroidered pillow and tiny crochet flower with a strawberry, all blowing in the wind on your gorgeous Chinese almond tree.

    1. Thank you, Sheryl! The wreath gave me the opportunity to make a good use of many small things that I keep in different boxes. With all the things that I collect, I could make so many wreaths and almost open a shop! Have a nice week! Sandrine

  9. How lovely!!! I enjoyed my visit!

    1. Thank you very much and I am happy your enjoyed the visit! Have a nice week!

  10. Essa guirlanda ficou maravilhosa! Parabéns.
    Achei linda sua tesoura de cegonha (não conhecia)
    Bom fim de semana.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Maristela! I don't precisely know the origin of the stork scissors but they have been a tradition from Nogent, near Paris, for quite a long time and are declined into many different aspects. I wish you a nice week! Hugs!

  11. Beautiful wreath!! It would make a lovely gift to someone who loves sewing and crafts. I love to read your blog and try to see what I still remember from French classes. I can't speak French but have always enjoyed the language. My dna shows that I am part French and that was a great surprise. Thank you for the lovely post!

    1. Thank you, Angela! I am happy if the captions I write in French can help you practice the language. Actually I think you are almost the only reader interested in the French version as most of the visitors are non-French! I wish you a nice week!

  12. I am so glad that you stopped by and left such a sweet comment on my post!! I was thinking of making a wreath like this for my craft room door. I have wreaths on all the room doors in my house!! I had been searching for ideas on a wreath on Pinterest and I come here and find this charming wreath!! Thanks so much for sharing!! Thanks for stopping by!!

    1. Thank you for your visit, Debbie! I love wreaths too and even if this type of decoration is not a traditional one in France, I adorn my front door with one most of the year. And your idea of a permanent decorated tree in the house is making its way in my head :))Hugs! Sandrine

  13. How creative! I love the wreath and your flowers are gorgeous, too.

  14. Réponses
    1. Thank you for your nice comment, Beáta! Have a nice week and read you soon!

  15.  Everything is very harmonious in a wonderful wreath for a needlewoman! Beautiful embroidery!

    1. Thanks a lot, Tanya! I had a lot of fun assembling all these little items related to needlework. Have a nice week! Sandrine

  16. Jaki piękny wianek jestem pod wrażeniem. Pozdrawiam serdecznie.

    1. Thank you very much, Małgorzata! I would have liked to take the time to make something more elaborate with the crochet but the wreath was a lit small for it. Best wishes for a nice week! Sandrine

  17. OOOoooooooooh!!!! que maravilloso trabajo, cuanto me gusta!!!!!!! precioso, besos

  18. The wreath is very beautiful! It looks great against the background of flowering trees.

  19. Almond flowers are great for a wreath needlewoman! And the wind is so hard! Sometimes I run around the park for my embroidery, which I’m trying to photograph))) Have a good week! Tatyana

    1. Thank you, Tatyana! Yes, being an embroidery photographer can be risky and real sports at times :)) Best wishes!
