Ce week-end aura été
l’occasion d’une petite escapade sur Clermont-Ferrand pour rendre visite à ma
grande fille qui n’est pas encore en vacances.
Quelques photos au détour
des rues sous le soleil qu’il fait si bon de revoir.
A visit to my elder daughter who is currently
studying in Clermont-Ferrand.
A few pictures in the streets under a blue
sky as we had not seen for long.
Un passage obligé par
quelques petites merceries avec de jolis morceaux de rubans fantaisie et un
beau médaillon de fabrication artisanale auvergnate qui trouvera sa place dans
mon bureau.
Je n’ai pas non plus
résisté au sucrier coccinelle que je reluque depuis un moment mais auquel je
résistais avec pour fausse excuse le manque de place pour le caser dans ma
cuisine. Personne n’y croyait sachant que je serais capable de pousser les murs
pour mettre mes babioles !
I couldn’t miss a few haberdashers’ shops
where I found beautiful decorative ribbons and a locally crafted medallion.
I couldn’t resist the ladybird sugar bowl I
had already spotted during my former visits. I had said no under the pretext of
the small size of my kitchen but all the people who know me also know that I
could push the walls to find a place for an object I long for.
Un petit cadeau apporté
pour donner du cœur à l’ouvrage à mon étudiante pour cette dernière semaine
avant les vacances : un cake à la banane dont voici la recette:
A little gift I brought to my student daughter to
give her heart for the last week before the holidays.It’s a banana cake and here is the recipe:
I like the locally crafted medallion and who could resist that ladybird sugar bowl? Taking note of the recipe for the yummy banana cake which looks delicious and would be ideal right now with my cup of coffee. Thank you for visiting my blog (you show as no-reply)
RépondreSupprimerThank you for visiting my blog too and telling me about the "no-reply" detail concerning my comment on yours. As you may have seen, my blog has been created very recently and I don't fully master all the functions related to blogs and comments. I hope I'll do better next time. Have a nice day!