vendredi 16 février 2018

Mes tasses préférées

En me promenant sur les blogs de nos amies brodeuses de Russie, je suis tombée sur une idée de partage de photos de nos tasses préférées.
Voici le lien vers le site qui lance de si bonnes idées :
Le but est de les présenter individuellement et de faire un montage avec des gros plans sur les tasses choisies, enfin c’est ce que je crois avoir compris à l’aide d’un traducteur.
L’idée m’a plu et voici un petit florilège des tasses que j’affectionne plus particulièrement.

As I was browsing different blogs of our Russian friend stitchers, I came across a project that consists in sharing the pictures of our favourite cups.
Here is the link to the site that launches such good ideas:
The goal is to show them individually (as many as we want) and then make a collage of the ones we prefer. That’s at least what I have understood after using a translator.
I liked the idea and so here is a selection of the cups I most particularly enjoy drinking from.

1 – Le mug aux roses d’un style victorien dans lequel je prends souvent le thé et les infusions.
1 – The rose mug in a Victorian style. I use it for herbal tea in the evening.

2 – Le mug Starwars qui trône sur le bureau de mon cher et tendre et sert de porte-crayons.
2 – The Starwars mug from the desk of my darling who uses it as a pencil holder.

3 – Une tasse du service anglais que j’ai reçu pour mes 18 ans.
3 – A cup and saucer from the English tea set I was offered on my eighteenth birthday.

4 – Une petite marmotte qui m’accompagne au travail avec mon thermos bien chaud.
4 – A little marmot that comes with me and my Thermos flask to work.

5 – La seule rescapée d’un service gagné sur une fête foraine par mes parents jeunes mariés.
5 – The only survivor of a coffee set that my parents had won on a funfair after their wedding.

6 – Une tasse inutilisable mais trop mignonne pour ne pas la montrer.
6 – A cup I cannot drink from but it was too cute not to be shown.

7 – La tasse Tom et Jerry dans laquelle j’ai bu mes chocolats chauds du matin accompagnés de Rems quand j’étais petite.
 7 – The Tom and Jerry cup I used to drink from for breakfast when I was a little girl.

8 – Une tasse d’un petit service fleuri dont j’ai toujours regretté de ne pas avoir acheté la théière.  
8 – I now wish I had bought the teapot to match this beautiful flowery cup.

9 – Une tasse à infusion champêtre.
9 – A herbal tea cup for the countryside.

10 – Un mug qui éveille autant les yeux que son contenu éveille les papilles.
10 – Drinking from this mug awakens your sight as much as your taste.

11 – Un souvenir rapporté de Londres avec sa petite cuillère.
11 – A souvenir from London with its teaspoon.

12 – Un duo Parisien qui réclame un petit accompagnement sucré avec les boissons.
12 – A Parisian duo that calls for delicacies with coffee.

Je ne pouvais pas ajouter d’autre image au montage mais j’aime trop les violettes pour ne pas faire une petite place à cette dernière tasse.
I could not add a thirteenth picture in the collage, but I could not help taking a picture of this delicate violet cup.

Et voici le service au complet avec la septième tasse pour préférée:
And here is the whole set with number seven being my favourite one:



21 commentaires:

  1. Yes,you were right,I enjoyed so much your beautiful post!The teacup with violets is my favorite.Hugs!

    1. I knew you would appreciate nice cups, the ones on your blog are so gorgeous.
      Thanks a lot. Hugs!

  2. thank you very much for participating in the project! You did it right. You have beautiful cups and dear memories! I like everything! Especially the cup that you were given for 18 years :)) Your collage will be placed in the gallery cups
    Let's get acquainted! My name is Tatyana. And you?

    1. Thank you for your nice comments. I also like you blog very much, a lot of beautiful photos, nice creations, interesting articles, a touch of humour and a good mix of vintage and modernity. Really great!
      My name is Sandrine, I live in Burgundy,France and I am fond of creative hobbies when I am not at work teaching English. Have a nice weekend.
      Sandrine Xoxo

  3. What wonderful cups! The blog provides an excellent opportunity to communicate, even if you are far from each other :)

    1. Yes, blogs are a really good way to communicate and share in spite of the distance and the different languages. Thank you for your comment and also for the idea of the cup collage that I first discovered on your beautiful blog. Have a nice evening!

  4. Hi, Sandrine! Found the link to your cups' gallery in Tanya's post :)
    So adorable! The cup you drank from in your childhood is a real treasure! Such a precious keepsake! I am also in love with the cup you got for the 18th birthday and especially that tender violet one! It is incredible!

    Have a great week,

  5. Hi,Olena and thank you for your visit. I could see on your blog that you also have very pretty cups among lots of other beautiful things. I want to congratulate you for the dog kennel tea mug cosy you posted last month. It is stunningly adorable!You are very gifted!
    Have a nice day,

    1. Oh, Sandrine, thank you so much! I am now drinking my tea and while I am writing this, little doggy guards my tea :)))))

  6. Beautiful post and what a lovely collection of tea cups and mugs you have. The Victorian roses one has to be my favourite - surely tea and coffee must taste better when made in such cups.

  7. I couldn't agree more with you. The cup you drink from can make the difference and turn both the moment and the beverage into great ones. Thank you for your kind comment and
    have a nice evening.

  8. tu as une très belle collection, elles sont toutes belles

  9. Merci, mais il me manque une pièce maîtresse : ce serait la tasse épagneul breton, pas encore trouvée.

  10. У вас очень интересные и красивые чашки!!!

  11. Thank you very much Irina, I also love the cups you posted on your blog!
    Have a nice weekend! Sandrine

  12. Сандра, очень замечательные кружки! Мне особенно понравилась кружка с Курочкой, получила удовольствие от просмотра кружечных экспонатов и красивейших фото. Спасибо!

  13. Thank you, Olga! This mug is appreciated for herbal tea in the winter, whenever I have caught a bad cold!

  14. Сандра,очаровательные чашки!Первая чашка с красивым блюдцем и маленьким заварочным чайником меня покорила.Фотографии прекрасные!!!

  15. Thank you, Nadezhda and welcome on my blog! I often use the first cup, especially in the evening for licorice herbal tea. Have a nice day! Sandrine.

  16. Trois tasses avec des fleurs de ta collection ont touché mon coeur!

  17. Merci beaucoup Natalia et bienvenue sur mon blog!
